Saturday, March 14, 2009

Technology Supported Learning Showcase

Yesterday went to this event, which was in the Ashley Centre and organised by LDI.

Some great presentations, and the key emphasis was on how technology can be used to support learning, and not really focused on the technology itself.

Highlights were:
  • a presentation by Dave Erskine and Mark Savage on creating a community of practice for distance learners - they used Ning to do this. This type of tool could be really useful for supporting our students on negotiated and work based awards, as well as providing a sense of community for on campus students. I know our Games Design students already run their own forum that provides many similar tools.
  • workshop by Ben Scoble on social tools for learning - this is where we got to discover how much of a nerd we were by admitting your use of Twitter, blogs etc, but there were some interesting ideas on how we now access information and where we turn to for answers to questions

Just to be on trend, I was using Twitter during the event - here's a pic of Mark Stiles giving the keynote presentation that we took and posted during the event.

Very pleasing to see FCET get mentioned so many times, as being involved in many development projects and initiatives, but disappointing that so few managed to attend ( I know, it was in Stoke and on a teaching day).

Main message is that as a Faculty we need to sharpen up our act on use of new tools, and capitalise on the infrastructure we already have to make sure we get ahead of the rest of the university

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